I’ll never forget the first time a chick gave me a rim job. We had been out drinking rather excessively one night and when we got back to her place things started to really heat up. She had told me repeatedly throughout the evening that she was a freak and enjoyed crazy sex. I had no idea what she was referring to, but I was definitely willing to find out. She was sucking my dick and it was one of the best blowjobs I had ever received when she suddenly dropped down and started licking my asshole. I’d never felt anything like it before and I was instantly struggling not to blow my load.
If you want to watch the hottest rim jobs available online, then you’ll be happy to know that right now you can save up to 75% with a discount to Rim 4K. This is a site that features gorgeous girls eating ass before they get fucked in every way imaginable. All of the content is delivered in spectacular quality so you won’t miss a single delicious detail.